Cognitive development

A child’s mental capacity forms part of their cognitive development.
Cognitive development lays the foundation for learning and skills a child develops.
It covers a child’s ability to problem solve, think, their language acquisition, processing, reasoning, memory, attention span.

5 April, 2020

Brain boosters

A baby is born with 100 million neurons. As they grow during their first three years they will grow trillions of brain-cell connections. These years are critical brain growth […]
10 December, 2018

Gifted & talented

A child is a child first . They are gifted and talented second. A gifted child is a child who meets milestones early, who has a high capacity Imagine […]
28 January, 2014

Developing science and thinking skills

Through a child’s eyes the world is a fascinating place which is full of wonder and things to explore and learn. Science and thinking skills can develop through play […]
10 January, 2012

Development of numbers

The stages in the development of numbers generally follows a pattern. As with child development the development of numbers for a child follows a sequence and general milestone developmental […]
5 January, 2012

Brain development and play

Play establishes the building blocks for later learning through this exploration that they learn. A newborn is born with about 100 billion nerve cells in their brain. It is […]
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